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Selectmen Minutes 05/06/2014
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Member Present: Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, Philip Hitchcock, Ann Davis

Call to Order: Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm


Abatements – Tabled until May 13, 2014

Shaw Field – Mrs. Pinard reviewed the communication with Mr. Briggs.

Mr. DeBold stated that he does not know much about agriculture and would not be sure what he could add.

Mr. Paveglio stated that he would like to get the agreement in place for this year so that Mr. Briggs can move forward.

Mr. DeBold stated that it should clearly state that passive recreational activities that exist today will continue to exist through the terms of this agreement to include hiking.  As well as adding to the agreement a termination clause.

General Business/Board Discussion

Planning Board Request for a Special Meeting

The Planning Board would like to continue to work on the development and passage of a new Signage Ordinance to benefit the economy of our Town, we hereby petition the board of selectmen to call a Special Town Meeting to be held on September 9, 2014 to coincide with the State Primary.

We believe this opportunity will allow the Planning Board to reach a far greater share of the Town’s citizens. This past Town Election only had roughly 225 registered voters, where the average State Primary receives approximately 550 voters.

We plan to partner with other Town committees and interested parties to insure the presentation of an ordinance that balances the economic needs and character of our great community.

Jamie Pike stated that we do not need to petition the court as it is not to appropriate any money. This would be a ballot at the primary and the vote would occur then. We are going to have a public meeting in June and two public hearings in July.

Mr. Jordan stated the Planning Board wants to work with these other committees to get this sign ordinance passed.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept the recommendation from the Planning Board to call a special town meeting on September 9, 2014 to coincide with the state primary for the purpose of voting on an updated sign ordinance. Motion Passes

Mr. DeBold stated he is not 100% comfortable with this but understands that this should be heard by more residents.

Laptop Purchase for Selectmen’s Office

Mrs. Pinard informed the board that the Secretary of State office will no longer accept reports from computers utilizing Microsoft XP. The laptop that is currently used by the Supervisors of the Checklist has this operating system on it. This laptop is older and will not be able to support a new operating system. I am asking for the board to approve the purchase of a laptop and Microsoft office software. This laptop would also be utilized by the selectmen’s office for taking meeting minutes. This would be a shared laptop. I would like to purchase this laptop out of the Town Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. Two quotes are listed below:

Mainstay (includes laptop and software  $849.36
Best Buy ($249.99 for the laptop, $219.99 for the software)     $469.98

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to approve the purchase out of the Town Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund for a Toshiba 15.6 laptop and Microsoft office software in the amount of $469.36 from Best Buy. Motion Passes

Outstanding Item:

Master Plan Update
The Planning Board will be working on the Master Plan by doing so with chapters. Currently the Heritage Commission is in the final edit stage of their chapter and the board expects to be able to review that soon. A letter will be submitting to the Recreation Commission to ask them to work on the update to their chapter. The Planning Board will take charge of rewriting the introduction and vision statements over the summer and fall.

Public Input:
Mr. Hitchcock asked what happens when commissions submit revisions regarding the master plan does the planning board have the right to change recommendations that are submitted.

Mr. DeBold stated that it is the planning board’s document but I think that they would speak to committee or commissions if they wanted it make changes.

Mr. Paveglio stated that if residents have concerns with the master plan then they would go to the planning board.

Lucille Noel stated a few things coming up at the Library Saturday will be a 3D printer workshop. Rocket Mass heating workshop on May 21st. The 22nd of May is the Humanities Commission on cellar holes.

Ann Davis stated Old Home Day meeting is the 8th at the library. Old Home Day will be August 15 and 16. The garden club meets on the 28th and  it will be about Beginning Bee Keeping.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 7:15pm. Motion Passes

Respectfully submitted,

Not approved until signed

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator
Richard DeBold, Chair   D. Michael Paveglio     effrey Jordan